Your dedicated customs services expert

Navigating customs complexities with ease

In the dynamic world of international trade, navigating customs regulations and procedures can be a complex and challenging process. At Aero Logistica, we specialize in simplifying and optimizing customs management so you can focus on what really matters: growing your business.

We offer a full range of custom customs services to meet your specific needs:

  • Expert advice on tariff classification: We correctly classify your products in accordance with current customs nomenclatures, ensuring correct valuation and minimizing the risk of sanctions or delays.
  • Preparation and submission of customs documentation: We take care of the preparation and submission of all necessary customs documentation, including customs declarations, commercial invoices, certificates of origin and other required documents, ensuring accuracy and compliance with regulations.
  • Competitive Shipping Rates: Enjoy reasonable and transparent shipping rates to Costa Rica
  • Management of special permits and licenses: We handle the procurement of special permits and licenses for the transportation of sensitive goods such as food, pharmaceuticals, and hazardous materials.
  • Representation before customs authorities: We act as your official representative before customs authorities, managing inspections, audits and any other required procedure.
  • Management of special customs regimes: We advise you on the different special customs regimes available, such as customs warehouse, free zone or drawback, and we help you select the most appropriate regime for your needs.
  • Resolving Customs Issues and Disputes: We assist you in resolving customs issues, such as shipping delays, seizures of goods, or disputes related to tariff valuation or classification.
  • Constantly updating on customs regulations: We stay up to date on the latest regulations and changes in customs laws to ensure your operations are always in compliance.
  • Even if you discovered our company online and may not be familiar with our services, we invite you to contact us to share your needs and questions. We are completely available to advise you. You can call us at (506) 2445-0609 during office hours or contact us via WhatsApp at (506) 6184-2685 to speak with one of our purchasing advisors.


Shop your favorite US stores like Amazon, eBay, and Walgreens, delivered right to your doorstep in Costa Rica.

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Air exports

Ship globally with delivery times of 3-5 days, yes, anywhere in the world.

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Benefits of choosing our customs service


Benefits of choosing our customs service:

Customs management can be a complex process, but not with us.

  • Tranquility and security
  • Compliance with customs regulations
  • Your shipments are in the hands of professionals

Efficiency and time savings

In the dynamic world of international trade, efficiency in customs management is essential for the success of any company.

  • Reduce customs clearance times
  • Fast and efficient service
  • More time for your activities and less for customs management

Risk minimization

Failure to comply with customs regulations can lead to costly penalties, shipping delays, seizure of goods, and even legal investigations.

  • Expert advice on tariff classification
  • Management of permits and special licenses
  • Constant updating on customs regulations
